Reading, Writing, and Workshops

       I broke my shoulder November 4th and I must say there has been quite a lot of pain from that break. However,  from this experience I’ve learned a lot about myself and just how strong I really am.  I’ve learned that I can endure and work through the pain to get better, and I’ve also learned just how wonderfully made we really are. When the accident happened I was concerned about playing the piano again and being able to type. The doctor assured me those abilities would come back and he was right.

      Here it is five weeks later and I am typing with both hands and playing the piano. Yeah! Also,  I’m excited to say I felt well enough to share my children’s books, Tired of School and Tired of My Bath at a Title I teacher’s meeting recently. I had an awesome time and learned new techniques from the teacher’s who shared their ideas about teaching reading.

      One idea I especially liked was to give each child in a small group of five or six their own box of craft beads. The beads are the kind that have letters on them. The teacher calls out a letter and the first child to find that letter gets a point. This would be appropriate for kindergarten. For a little older child, maybe call out simple words and the child who finds all letters in the word gets a point. Decide beforehand how many points wins the game.

     The teacher who shared this idea said what is really neat is the children who need tactile stimulation especially enjoy playing this game because they get to feel the beads in- between playing the game.

     It was indeed a great day of sharing and fellowship.

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6 Responses to Reading, Writing, and Workshops

  1. Donna Rymer says:

    Hi Dicy,
    On behalf of my AIG 4th and 5th grade classes at Bostian Elementary, we wanted to extend a big THANK YOU for speaking at our ‘Author Extravaganza.’ You highlighted some very important topics for the audience. We wish you much success in all your future writing endeavors! We hope that you had a fulfilling experience as well.

    • admin says:

      Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share with you. Your Author Extravaganza was awesome. Bostian is a wonderful school and everyone should be very proud of the learning taking place there. I hope to write a post in the next few days about my experience reading and talking with the students. Thanks again.

  2. Thx for your post, I really enjoy your blog. Long time lurker, first time commenter, you know the drill. I tried to share this one time before, I don’t think it posted correctly…hopefully it will this time!

  3. Kelley says:

    Bless you for taking the time to explain the terminlogy to the novices!

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