Favorite #75: Renewed Friendships

Rose, Shannon and Larry together again.

Rose, Shannon and Larry together again.

Memories So Sweet

New Year’s Day for many often brings thoughts of resolutions and change. For others, thoughts of “old acquaintances” and long ago relationships come to mind. Although New Year nostalgia can inspire a desire to rekindle past relationships, other events such as class reunions can be the catalyst for that desire as well.

Several years ago, Shannon Ade and Larry Childers renewed their friendship at a Gypsum Elementary School class reunion that was over fifty years in the making. As a result of that renewed friendship, they realized they had a mutual admiration for their 8th grade English teacher, Mrs. Rose Julian. Wondering if she was still alive, they began searching for her on the internet.

After two years of searching, they finally discovered Rose this past April through a column in a local newspaper, the Salisbury Post, which mentioned that she had been a music teacher. Knowing Rose not only taught English but also music in Kansas, Shannon and Larry wondered if this could be “their Mrs. Julian.” Making the necessary connections, they indeed discovered it was. It didn’t take long after that discovery until Shannon and Larry began enjoying long conversations by phone with Mrs. Julian, making plans to visit her in North Carolina.

That visit and what followed has been a source of joy for Mrs. Julian because not only did she reconnect with two past students, but she now has two new friends.

I’m happy to say it was my column in the Salisbury Post that brought Rose, Shannon and Larry together. Although it’s true most of the time a writer doesn’t know the difference they’ve made in someone’s life, once in a while it’s nice to see.

If you would like to read the Salisbury Post column about Rose, click here. To read about the reunion in North Carolina, click here.

What about you? Do you have a story to share about a long lost friend or teacher? If so, leave a comment, message on Facebook, or email dicysm@yahoo.com.





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