Favorite #169: Moving Sale

Appreciate all the excellent help at my yard sale.

A great day with lots of excellent help from my grandsons at the moving sale.

Moving Into the Future 

Moving from a larger house to a smaller house is quite a feat physically, mentally and emotionally. The real task is deciding what to keep and what not to keep.

During the last six weeks I separated and organized household goods, clothes and personal items preparing for a moving day sale. Once that was complete friends from church helped me move everything outside to the garage for storage. I was happy when they took an item home because that was one less thing I had to sell. 

As the day approached I received advice from friends and family about what to expect. That advice included things like having lots of change on hand, plastic bags for customers, grouping like items together and pricing everything. I was advised if the sale begins at 8:00 be prepared to start at 7:00 because people will be waiting at the door. Now that I have experienced a moving day sale for myself, my advice would be to have lots of help. Not only do you have to answer questions, but you need to take up money and keep things organized. And, you also need someone there to give you a break so you can go to the bathroom or eat.

Although I was lucky to have lots of help, including support from my daughters, Kristin and Kelly,  I’m especially grateful to Bobby and Betsy Safrit. They are “yard sale” experts and knew exactly what to do to keep things running smoothly. Betsy knew how to organize and price while Bobby knew how to talk to customers to get a sale. He also did a lot of lifting and moving of heavier items. I can’t thank them enough.

While this was a lot of work, it was also fun. My sale lasted two days and in that two days I saw friends and neighbors I hadn’t seen in years. The reconnection, if only for a little while seemed to soften the event of having to let go of the past. By the end of the second day when I was asked prices, especially if a child asked the price of a toy, I didn’t have a hard time saying, “How about free?”

If you plan to have a moving sale, do have fun and don’t sweat the small stuff. I realized that even more during a conversation with a lady who stopped to shop and shared she had cancer. She said through her journey she’s come to realize we’re only here for a little while. What’s most important are the memories we make and the people we share those memories with along the way. In her words, “Stuff is just stuff.”

I didn’t realize how emotionally draining a moving sale could be, but I understand now this event wasn’t just about letting go of things, it was about moving into the future. That doesn’t mean forgetting the past, it just means keeping the memories in perspective.

I haven’t been this tired in a long time and I’m definitely glad this process is over. Oh wait, it’s not over. Now I’ve got to get my old house ready to sale. Oh yeah, that means painting and cleaning. If I don’t move for another thirty-two years, that will suit me just fine.

What has been your experience in moving? Did you have a sale? Leave a message below, message on Facebook or email dicysm@yahoo.com.








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