Favorite #136: Easter

Easter, a day of hope and remembrance.

For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son. Easter, a day of hope and remembrance.

          Hope and Love

As I walk through life now as a widow, I have discovered the holidays can be the hardest. Memories and activities from the past remind me of my loss, while at the same time reminding me of my gain. It’s bittersweet, but I know because of Easter, I’ll see Michael again.

During my devotions, recently, while reading the Easter story in the book of John, I found one of the main themes was love. Although Jesus knew the cross was his to bare, he still took time to wash his disciples’ feet. To me that said even in time of grief, we should reach out to others, for it’s in that kind of love we start to heal.

In a children’s sermon at Franklin Baptist Church, Pastor Joe tried to explain the meaning of Easter through colors of different cloths draped on the cross in front of the church. The one color the children knew without being told was black, saying it stood for darkness and the tomb. When asked what purple meant, one child said, “Majesty.” Pastor Joe said she was right because in ancient times purple stood for royalty and that Jesus was “King.”

Some congregations view white as representing the sinless life Jesus lived, while others see it as representing resurrection and the defeat of death and the grave. Whatever these colors mean to you, the one constant in all of this is the cross.

Even though I’ve had moments of sadness over the last few months, there have been moments of hope. Some of those moments I’ve shared with my grandchildren who remind me everyday there’s life to be lived and a purpose for which I’m called. Jesus loved us so much he died so we can have eternal life and that’s the true meaning of Easter.

A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you … (John 13: 34a, KJV).

What does Easter mean to you? Leave a comment below, message on Facebook or email dicysm@yahoo.com






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